Mar. 31, 2021 |
Yacht audit & litigation prevention - Blog - Partners - Customs & Tax - 
In addition to the services and products offered by YMCA, we have teamed up with the company FLYN-yachting who has authorized us to introduce their activity.
FLYN-yachting is a company able to certify the location of a yacht at any time through an accurate positioning device. This can be useful in a lot of circumstances.
YMCA will propose, through FLYN-yachting, the following services:
- The certificate of positioning in international waters or in national waters when selling a yacht: this means tracking the position of a yacht either during its departure for sale in international waters or during its presence in a port for sale in an EU territory (maintaining the benefit of the VAT paid). It also entails calculation of the entry and exit crossings of international waters or position report of the yacht in a port (accurate position and time).
- The price of this service is 400 € ex-VAT.
- The certificate of positioning in a country outside the customs territory of the EU, on exit from the EU: this means tracking the navigation of a yacht leaving EU waters. It also entails calculation of entry crossings into territorial waters and/or a port outside the UE customs territory (precise position and time).
- The price of this service is 600 € ex-VAT.
- The certificate of entry into the customs territory of the EU for temporary admission (TA): this means tracking the navigation of a yacht since its exit from a third country, outside the EU. It also entails calculation of entry crossings into EU territorial waters and/or port (accurate position and time) for temporary admission.
- The price of this service is 600 € ex-VAT.
- The establishment of the fuel register at the end of the year (yacht in mixed use charter/transport): this means examining the distances covered under commercial contract, charter (taxed fuel) and transport (zero-rated fuel). Estimation of fuel consumption (en route & at anchor) in each category of trip. Review of fuel supplies (taxed/not taxed). Balance of consumption and establishment of balances between supplies and consumption (“TICPE balance”).
- The price of this service is 1200 € ex-VAT for the year.
- The establishment of the time spent by a given yacht in different Mediterranean territorial waters: this means monitoring the yacht’s navigation during the period. Calculation of the time spent in different countries. Country/duration synthesis table for the period(s) under consideration. This product is intended for professionals wishing to check the situation in relation to the 18 months of temporary admission; or the cumulative time spent in France excluding work and shipyard to deduce the requirement for social security coverage of seamen.
- The price of this service is 500 € ex-VAT per year (one position per hour accuracy).
- The study of the economic activity of yachts, and the use of ports, shipyards and anchorages by yachts in the Mediterranean: this entails the analysis, in a space-time of interest (season, year, multi-annual) of yachting activity in given areas (country, region, wintering ports, parking ports, shipyards, anchorages). Establishment of comparisons of frequentation, activity, locations between economic areas and parameters (type of stopover, size of yachts, etc.).
- The price of this service is based on an hourly fee of anywhere between 250 and 300 € ex-VAT per hour depending on the complexity and extent of the request.
- The specific study on request: this concerns, for example, a disagreement with the authorities or in order to clarify a litigious situation.
- The price of this service is based on an hourly fee of anywhere between 250 and 300 € ex-VAT per hour depending on the complexity and extent of the request.
We remain at disposal for further clarifications, or for any questions you may have,
Best regards,
The YMCA-Team
T: +33 (0)4 92 00 43 90
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